This world, saturated by companies in all product sectors, is become so boring and competitive that even businesses don’t know why they exist anymore.
I grew up in Veneto, a region in northern Italy, and you might know about it since Venice is its capital.
Venetians are older than the Romans: Veneti knights fought shoulder to shoulder with Trojans against the Greeks (Homer – Iliad, 1180 BC). At that time, Rome and Etruscans were yet to be born. My people invented Galeazza, the first ship with cannons on its sides and the @ sign in the 6th century AC (it was a unit of measurement and symbolized an amphora).
Benjamin Franklin came to Venice in 1786 to study the Constitution of Serenissima and then he used it to write the US Constitution and laws. Think that the Venetian Zen brothers discovered America in 1390, 102 years earlier than Christopher Columbus!
I belong to a people with an age-old culture, born to be different. Born to make a difference.
My homeland was built upon the ashes of explorers, warriors and merchants. Now, that everything has been explored, the expression of exploring is now traveling, sport is the alter ego of war and digital marketers are the new merchants.
In 2016, I founded Chick’n’Mango upon travel, fitness and marketing to help organizations around the world find their inner belief and inspire people to action.
Discover my digital marketing services and the 40 public and private organizations which chose the yellow dinosaur!

Break glass in case of emergency
Make a difference guys! I’m Alberto, scorpio and made in Italy in 1991. I hate cats, know nothing about cooking and eat to survive. Of course to make up for it I know how to effectively practice CPR, shoot a rifle and catch spiders. I am a marketing and communications specialist with a military background and the finger on the creativity trigger.
I workout four times a week and follow the religion of leg day: I practice it but I don’t see results. Genetics? Physical structure? My aunt said not enough chicken.
I like any kind of sport, collect Star Wars lego and draw when I’m in love. And what do I do when I have free time? Blogging of course, so let’s jump to the blog!