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Chick'n'Mango's horizontal logo on a transparent background. The logo represents a yellow dinosaur inside a brown circle next to Chick'n'Mango's motto: "Be different. Make a difference".

The company's web reputation

Writer's picture: Alberto CarnielAlberto Carniel

Updated: Sep 27, 2018

The modern scenario

The percentage of people simultaneously connected on Internet is constantly increasing and so do the "bad" users. Nowadays, a company which wants to do business online must be aware of the potential threats and should activate procedures to protect itself.

Thanks to Big Data, it is possible to verify the main sources or people that affect most your reputation and focus the company's assets on the most dangerous channels. The steps an organization should follow are simple:

  • Identify;

  • Protect;

  • Remove.

Web reputation

What does reputation mean? Actually, it is different from the brand identity or the company public image. In fact, the reputation is a judgment that people give to companies and represents an asset which companies cannot control.

Nevertheless the concept of reputation is very important, because it is recognized by the law.

The guilty parties

Company's reputation is formed by the brand reputation and the reputation of its leaders. It can be offended, mainly, by libelous activities and other crimes. But who can represent the guilty parties?

One is certainly the author of the illegal content and the second could be a service provider. Service providers can be divided in:

  • Mere conduit;

  • Caching services;

  • Hosting services.

They are judged at fault by the law only if they do active actions. In other words, they must have an active role in the litigation, controlling or knowing information.

Removal procedure

The removal procedure could be extended depending on the cases, but, in general, the common scheme to follow is the ensuing:

  1. Reporting the issue to the service provider, you can obtain a 50% of probability of success;

  2. Issuing an injunction, you can achieve the 80% of succeeding probability;

  3. The third step is doing a precautionary injunction, in order to achieve measures like limitations or content removal;

  4. Finally, there is substantive actions that can involve definitive measures including monetary compensations.



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