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Chick'n'Mango's horizontal logo on a transparent background. The logo represents a yellow dinosaur inside a brown circle next to Chick'n'Mango's motto: "Be different. Make a difference".


Join date: Jun 25, 2018


I'm Alberto Carniel, Scorpio and made in Italy in 1991. I'm also the founder of Chick'n'Mango and I work as an international digital marketing consultant.

I believe in fitness, traveling and marketing as positive changing and developing factors for people's personal and professional life.

I'm a fan of Gabriele D'Annunzio (he's a real badass, I highly recommend to search him on Google) and my motto is:

Nihil est quod non expugnet pertinax opera.

Translated: There is nothing that will not surrender to persistent treatment, to concentrated and careful attention (Lucius Annaeus Seneca - Moral Epistles).

Alberto Carniel

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