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A touch of New York City: a walk from Times Square to Central Park and way back

Writer's picture: Alberto CarnielAlberto Carniel

Updated: Sep 27, 2018

The color of this article is red, white and blue, because I’m bringing you to New York City with a walk through Times Square and Central Park.

Watchword: high

Of course, for a European, it sounds strange walking through the streets of New York. You are used to people-friendly cities and when you bump into these huge skyscrapers you expect to have a feeling of vertigo.

It seems you walk through a labyrinth with high walls, you can’t see anything else than buildings around you. Fortunately, Americans named streets with numbers and built streets based on a grid system, so it’s easy to get oriented.

Where is the juice?

In this trip, I visited only a little part of NYC. I walked through Times Square to Central Park and there, I stopped to see the American Museum of Natural History. But this is another story that you can read and watch by clicking here.

Honestly, I expected to find more majestic stuff in this city. It’s so commercial, everybody talks of it, everybody has visited it at least once, but from where does this enthusiasm come from?

Maybe, inasmuch I come from Italy, I’m too picky, but these are my considerations. First of all, it’s super crowded! Everywhere, in the bustle of Midtown, you can’t walk without touching other people and I can’t imagine if someone lives and works there how he/she feels during a daily routine.

Secondly, every street is almost the same. You don’t have the perception that the landscape around you is changing. Of course, edifices change, but they are always the same: high grey concrete buildings. No particular old buildings, no statues, churches or other characteristic places that could strongly characterize the streets.

Also Times Square is smaller than it seems in the movies. There I understood the most important attractions in the city are given by big companies, as the Hershey’s chocolate world or the M&M’s world that I visited.

Anyway, I’m sure that also New York has its juicy spots. Maybe next time I’ll hunt them!

Green and freedom

Nevertheless, I found a piece of peace in the middle of the storm. Yes, because everything in the city is frenetic, fast and noisy. But when you reach Central Park, the world stops. If I had to describe it with a word I would surely pick “amazing”.

In this huge piece of green you can find everything you need for your soul. You can walk surrounded by nature, lie down on the fresh grass or take part in one of the many groups that organize activities. For example, during my trip, I bumped into a skating association and dozens of people were skating at the rhythm of music.

Dulcis in fundo, if you hook up with a nice girl I suggest you give her a magic moment on a rowboat in the Lake.


Have you ever been in New York City? What did you like most?



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