Nowadays, the market requires more flexibility and dynamic assets, that’s why companies should modify their structure otherwise they risk to quit. The so called “light company” is born in these circumstances: a company which outsources all non-core functions and bases its business on extremely focused competences and abilities.
The 5 new trends in the world of business
There are five principles that sum up the future trends of the world of business and push the HR managers towards the changes: freedom, knowledge, stability, self-management and relevance.
Technology has introduced a new type of flexibility for employees and employers. Above all, technology gives to employees the necessary flexibility to do their job when, where and how they prefer.
It could be an issue if a team of people work remotely from different time zones. But the solution is inside the online tools themselves which allow information sharing and collaboration among people.
A research of ADP brought to light that the 97% of people around the world use technology to learn and the 81% say that social media will be the main instrument to encourage collaboration and sharing in structured work.
Nowadays, stability does not mean having a permanent job, but having an extended professional network. It helps a worker to develop his or her professional career. This is the reason why roles are more unstable and the correlation between work and salary is closer.
Digital technologies and social media lead to a horizontal sharing of information and increase the importance of self-management which goes to the detriment of hierarchy.
The uncertainty and volatility of job positions mean that people are inclined to choose projects with a personal relevance instead of mere economic reasons.
The 89% of the world workers have chosen to work on personal projects with a social impact.
About yourCFO Consulting Group
yourCFO Consulting Group: a company which gathers professionals with a relevant track record in corporate finance. To understand better all these trends, I interviewed a partner of
This company has applied perfectly the previous principles and is now considered a blue ocean company for the Italian market. In fact, it is based on the typical tools and structure of a “light company”.
The light company
Alessandro Francesco Giudice, a partner at yourCFO, explained what a light company is and which characteristics it has.
First of all, it is a company founded upon vertical competences and aims to minimize the costs. It outsources all the non-core functions and bases its structure on low cost online tools.
If you are curious to find out more about this topic, check out the video interview above!