Chick’n’Mango joined Pasquale De Rosa, a Roman powerlifter, during his gym training to find out what a typical powerlifting champion's workout is like.
About Pasquale
Pasquale De Rosa is a young powerlifter who started this hard training path 4 years ago. His commitment to powerlifting gave results very early. In 2013, he had already reached the second position in the Italian competition of WDFPF (World Drug Free Powerlifting Federation), category - 82,5 kg.
Again, in 2016 at the WDFPF competition, he became the Italian champion. His improvement between the two competitions is remarkable: he concluded the 2013 season with a total of 522,5 kg (180 kg squat, 130 kg bench press, 212,5 kg deadlifts) and the 2016 season with a total of 612,5 kg (220 kg squat, 140 kg bench press, 252,5 kg deadlifts).
An extraordinary workout
I followed Pasquale De Rosa to the #McFIT gym in Rome and he explained what a typical powerlifter’s training day is like. That day he decided to workout the chest and legs.
It's known there are three main trials in powerlifting: squat, bench press and deadlifts. That's why if you want to reach results in this sport, you have to boost the muscles which are used in these three exercises.
Pasquale started his workout session with a squat, lifting up to 180 kg by doing a weight progression. At the end of his sets, he made a shift to 140 kg, in order to conclude the exercise with more reps.
Once the legs were done, he passed to work on the bench press. The technique used here is the same, a weight progression up to 120 kg and three sets with this load. Additionally, he finished the last set, shifting the weight to 90 kg and doing around 10-12 reps.